GUFF is the Get Up-and-over Fan Fund or the Going Under Fan Fund, depending on which way you're going.
Damien Warman and Juliette Woods
won the 2004-5 ballot to bring a fan from Australasia to Interaction,
the 63rd Worldcon, in Glasgow, Scotland, 4-8 August 2005.
To contract Damien and Juliette about their trip, you can email them at and or send snail mail to 10 Scott Street, Dulwich, SA 5065, Australia. Visit their Live Journal for up to date information.
Voting results
Votes counted in the U.K.
31 votes total:
29 paper, 2 electronic
1 Australian, 1 USA, 29 UK
First place votes
4 Sue Ann Barber
2 Alison Barton
3 David Cake
19 Damien & Juliette
3 No preference
Votes counted in Australia (revised/recounted 10 May)
37 votes total:
19 paper, 18 electronic
21 Australian, 8 UK, 6 USA, 1 Canada, 1 Fiji
First place votes:
5 Sue Ann Barber
5 Alison Barton
5 David Cake
18 Damien & Juliette
4 No Preference
Total first place votes: 68
37 Damien Warman and Juliette Wood
9 Sue Ann Barber
7 Alison Barton
8 David Cake
Thus Damien and Juliette had a simple majority of all votes cast, and no further distribution of votes was required.
Voter list
These people sent ballots to the Australian administrators (Eric Lindsay and Jean Weber)
or voted online using the ballot provided on this website.
Unless otherwise noted, they are located in Australia.
Jenny Ackroyd
Justin Ackroyd
James Allen
Alison Barton
Zara Baxter
Doug Bell (UK)
Randy Byers (USA)
Thomas Bull
Steven Cain (UK)
Alison Freebairn (UK)
Emma Hawkes
Karen Herkes
Irwin Hirsh
Robin Johnson
Dave Langford (UK)
Rose Mitchell
Murray Moore (Canada)
Cheryl Morgan (UK)
Lewis Morley
Chris Nelson (Fiji)
John Newman
Roman Orszanski
Yvonne Rousseau
David L Russell
Lucy Schmeidler (USA)
Alison Scott (UK)
Gerald Smith
Douglas Spencer (UK)
Kevin Standlee (USA)
Alan Stewart
Ian E Stockdale (USA)
Erwin S Strauss (USA)
Jon Swabey
Karen (Womble) Warnock
Tom Whitmore (USA)
Lucy Zinkiewicz (UK)
These people sent ballots to the UK administrator, Pat McMurray.
Unless otherwise noted, they are located in the UK.
Paul Hood
David Redd
John Harvey
Tanya Brown
Lennert Uhlin
Claire Brialey
Tony Cullen
Mark Plummer
Judith Hanna
Tony Keen
Joseph Nicholas
Bridget Bradshaw
David Cook
Eve Harvey
Spike Parsons (USA)
John Dallman
Geneva Melzack
Christina Lake
Maureen Kincaid Speller
Lisa Lagergren
Paul Kincaid
Bridget Wilkinson
Julia Gosling
Liluri (Australia)
Roger Earnshaw
Stephen Cooper
Caroline Mullan
Sue Jones
Pamela Boal
Simon Bailey