Psion Epoc software to review.

The best miniature computers on the planet

I keep noticing various bits of Psion software I would like to check out, and then forget to actually do so.


Software to check first

Battery Checker
Sits in background, and checks battery voltage levels to two deceimal places at selectable intervals of 1-60 minutes. Allows a "low" and a "replace" level to be selected for main and backup batteries. Several handy options. BatCheck is Freeware. Other software also on site, including a staistics utility, a backup utlity to compact flash, an encryption utility, and a phase of moon display.
Canon BJC-80 Printer Driver
Andrew Johnson adds Prestige font, shadow and outline fonts. Great! Andrew also does a very nice Postscript driver. This works great on on Psion 5, however I gather ER5 may break stuff. Wonderful extra.
Clock 5
Freeware password protected "screen saver" from Martin Guthrie. Dual clock, analog and digital, multiple word time views, speaking clock with "sweet dreams" LED mode, chimes, seconds, optional calendar, stop watches with count up and count down, backlight control. Runs on all Epoc systems. Try or Martin Guthrie's site
ExAb - text expansion and manipulation
Huub Linthorst's ExAb (Expand Abbreviations) was formerly a macro, but now with version 7 is a faster stand alone application. Expands shortcuts, has multiple clipboards, and switching characters. Plugins Ndcode strings, Merger finds strings in databases and pastes these into a document, spellOK checks strings against the Spell list, and Look4It finds strings in slected databases.
Global Find Utility
Finds files on your Psion using different tests. Freeware. Version 1.1 dated 30 October 1997, 16k. Searches for wildcard filenames, searches under a folder, search all or any disks, including rom, look for a string within files, search by file type. Richard Panton has a number of free utilities on his web site. They include a fine vt100 terminal emulator called Hermes. VWin, a Virtual Windows manager for OPL programs, inplementing scrollbars, windows, buttons. Partially completed disassembler, and a description of the clipboard format. Was at
Global search utility searches for files and file contents. Knows about file names, type, size, attribute, date and content. AND and OR operators, multiple phrases. Sort results. Double tap for access. SmartFind 2 is shareware.

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