Niall Doran

Niall notes that, despite being born in the Northern Hemisphere, he is now a PhD student in Science at the University of Tasmania in Hobart. I was able to get a copy of his novel at Thylacon, the 1995 Australian National SF Convention. Here is what I jotted down then in my fanzine.

Doran, N E, The Chronological Adventures of Detrius Thesper
Desdichado Publishing, PO Box 310, Sandy Bay, Tas 7006, 1994, 173pp
also ThylaXene

The author was selling this strange sf comedy at Thylacon. If you like Douglas Adams and/or Robert Rankin, you probably will enjoy this strange piece of nonsense.

The link to Niall's real home page has failed. , plus some comments from Niall.

I'm trained as a zoologist, and am currently completing an industry funded Ph.D. at the Zoology Department of the University of Tasmania. Over the years, I've conducted research on spiders, cave animals, and plankton - amongst other things - which may explain my slightly odd outlook on life.

I've always had a keen interest in writing, and have been heavily involved in theatre for nearly a decade. I have major involvements with the Hobart-based Old Nick Theatre Company, which produces both formal theatrical productions and a high budget, large scale annual comedy revue. Three years ago, I became quite disenchanted with how difficult it was for an unknown author to get attention in Australia in general, let alone for an aspiring author in science fiction from Tasmania. So I decided to put my money where my mouth was, and self-published CADT in late 1994. Fortunately it hasn't proven to be the dreadful mistake it could've been!

As well as humour, I'm very interested in writing drama - mainly for the richer characterization and description that the brief, exaggerated style of comedy usually lacks. My background in science also leads me to prefer the depth of scientific plausibility, explanation, and exploration that 'serious' works allow, but which must sometimes be sacrificed for the momentum of comedy.

As for the future, potential works from both myself and other Tasmanian authors are on the cards from Desdichado Publishing. Soon(ish).

Niall's email address is ne_doran at postoffice dot utas dot edu dot au